Internet Security and Personal Banking

Internet Security and Personal Banking

In the wide and wonderful world of the internet, security is becoming more and more important as more and more of our personal and sensitive information is transmitted on line.

There are many anti-virus computer programmes available, but the application of common sense in recognising potential threats is a good place to start.

Online banking is an obvious opportunity for fraudsters and thieves to find an entry point into your account. It is important never to give your bank detail information fully to a phone or email enquiry, as banks do not do this, they will never actually ask your PIN number once it is issued to you.

As fibre optic cabling installations roll out across the country, connection speeds have increased dramatically, especially in some rural areas. This is bringing more and more people online in turn fueling the growth in attempted phishing and hacking activity.

Also, never log in to your banks website through a link in an email, even if it may seem genuine, type the web address into your browser yourself, and ensure that the locked padlock symbol is in your browser window before proceeding. The symbol indicates that the connection to the webpage is secure.

If you use a tablet (or iPhone/android phone) and want to access online banking on it, you can usually download the banks own dedicated application software (app), which they will supply. Always use the banks own app, and be vigilant during its use, for anything out of the ordinary, such as an increase in trashy-looking pop-ups.

Online banking is a fast growing and is convenient service but whether you’re using your main computer, or a mobile device, always keep up to date with the latest internet security options. Hosting companies need to comply with PCI DSS certification in order to be able to handle and process sensitive payment data. In conjunction with PCI they will maintain the internet security on the server, but this doesn’t always mean it can’t be attacked, compromised or hacked.

Many banks offer to supply free antivirus software, and your browser may well have been fitted with security components from the manufacturer, make sure both are active.

It is prudent to keep an eye on advances in computer protection, and recognise the continual update of antivirus software, and browser security. Those who would prey on your personal information, work day and night to continually update and innovate ever more devious systems of infiltration.

As you wouldn’t leave your car unlocked, or your front door open, the most obvious application of security is the download of common sense.